
Thank You Donors – 2017

by Brian April 20, 2017

We want to thank all our generous donors who gave a part of their income taxes this year. Your support of school choice and education is making a real difference.    We are able to help more students and families get the type of education they desire.     This year is going to be another high mark… because of support by individuals who like choice! Thanks also to all of our partners, volunteers, and schools who continue to spread the word about how we are making a difference together. To learn more about AZ4Education, our team, how it works or what we […]

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Now Accepting Applications for 2017-18 School Year

by Brian February 15, 2017

Beginning February 15, 2017, we are accepting applications for the 2017-18 school year. We work with all private K-12 schools in Arizona and need an application submitted every school year, which is good for the entire school year.   Our application takes about 7 minutes on average to complete and submitting your tax returns is optional.    Note that we also do not have any deadlines and award/review monthly. For questions about filling our scholarship application or how our process works, please read through our helpful “how it works” page.  If you require additional assistance you can contact us.

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Happy Holidays – 2016

by Brian December 10, 2016

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season in 2016!

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Now Accepting Applications for 2016-17 School Year

by Brian February 15, 2016

As of February 15, 2016, we will start accepting applications for the 2016-17 school year.      Every year we need just one application that is good for the entire school year.   It takes roughly 7-10 minutes to complete an application. If you have questions about how to fill our a scholarship application or our process, please read through our helpful “how it works” page.  If you require additional assistance, please contact us.

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Donate your State Income Taxes to Education

by Brian November 2, 2014

That’s right!   You can donate your state income taxes to AZ4Education, receive a tax credit and help education.    Your donation is used to provide a scholarship to eligible K-12 students. To learn more, go to the donation webpage.  To make an online credit card donation takes less than a minute! Be sure to let your family and friends know and if you have any questions, please contact us.    

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2014 Elections and School Choice

by Brian July 27, 2014

Az4Education is a non-profit 501c3 organization.   We support families with scholarships, who want a choice in education for their children.   Since 1998, Arizona has made it possible for thousands of families to benefit from tuition assistance because of generous tax credit donations from individuals and corporations. As this is an election year, we encourage all registered voters who support School Choice to get out and vote.    To learn about the candidates positions on important matters for Arizona such as school choice, please refer to the AZVoterGuide.    Be sure to check the Governor, Senate and House candidates. As a 501c3, […]

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Tuition and Education

by Brian July 27, 2014

Summer is quickly passing by and monsoons are giving us a temporary short break from the 3 digit temps. At AZ4Education, we are taking advantage of this time by making improvements to your dashboard and overall processes. In the upcoming months, we will be at several schools sharing how the scholarship process works and the many benefits of donating to help education. If you would like to see AZ4Educaiton at your school, to learn more about tuition assistance, please contact our office. Educational choice is empowering and important for everyone. For more information on scholarships, donations for tax credits, please […]

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AZ4Education Online Donations

by Brian January 27, 2013

What’s new or improved at AZ4Education? Online donations! Today, any donator can recommend their dollars be given to a General scholarship fund, an individual School scholarship fund, or even an individual Student, both online and off.     This means you have a say in how you want your dollars to be spent.   On behalf of those families, schools, and others impacted by your generosity, AZ4Education thanks you! How does it work? When you recommend a single school, we send an email to the school director of financial aid so they can let their enrolled student families know to apply.    Also, […]

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