
AZ4Education Online Scholarship Application Process

by Brian January 25, 2013

What’s new or improved at AZ4Education? For starters, online scholarships! Our process allows you to submit your application online rather than deal with the printed copy, fax/mail routine (although you can still do that). The online application lets you enter information in a standard simplified form.   You are can apply for up to 5 students, attach/upload documents, add individual student or family comments and more.   All information is kept secure, private and any optional uploaded critical records are purged when completed. Applying online will reduce your time filling out your application and if you register with us, you can make […]

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What’s New or Improved at AZ4Education?

by Brian January 24, 2013

Our team of volunteers are always looking for ways to help others and this includes how we manage scholarship and donations with you.   For example, how important is your time?    We all have 24 hours in a day, but when we stop to look at what is important, there never is enough time!   That’s why AZ4Education is working hard to support your goals to get the best education and cherish those valuable moments more. This is one blog in a series of blogs to tell you about the enhancements we are making and have made.   Continuous improvements are necessary for […]

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Give to AZ4Education and make a recommendation

by Brian November 28, 2012

Did you know that when you donate to AZ4Education, you can recommend a student or school to receive your donation? It’s one of the many benefits of donating that allows you more control of where your donation (ie. tax dollars) goes.   It’s no wonder why more donators are taking advantage of this feature. As you know, when you donate to AZ4Education, every dime is returned through an Arizona State tax credit.    That means you get to spend your tax dollars directly on education. So how does this work?   When you make your donation, simply give a name for a private […]

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Scholarships and the new Switcher Credit

by Brian October 1, 2012

For those of you who are interested in supporting school choice and have given to AZ4Education or other STO’s, you might have already heard, but in case you haven’t, you can now give twice as much to AZ4Education and it still doesn’t cost you a dime!     That means twice as many tax credits to donators and 2x more dollars for families. For those who are interested in applying for a scholarship, the process hasn’t changed, it just has a few more qualifications and questions.   In short, we used to have one bucket to pull from for scholarships but now we […]

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How our Scholarship Selection Process Works

by Brian July 5, 2012

For the 2012 fall enrollment of private k-12 schools, we received 5 times as many scholarship applications than we did the same time last year.     And, we were pleased to be able to award many of those applicants, because of the generous donations made to AZ4Education by helpful residents and companies. Because our scholarship selection process is such a critical part of our process, we thought it would be helpful to explain how this process actually works and help those applying in the future. Our selection committee is comprised of compassionate minded individuals whose goal is to allocate funds to […]

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Law Makers call it Switcher Credit – but we call it EXTRA Credit!

by Brian May 8, 2012

Great news for Arizona students, schools, donators and everyone else!    The State legislation passed a bill (SB1047) that goes into effect this year (2012) as A.R.S 41-1089.03. What is so great about this new law? This new law doubles the amount of maximum tax credit you can take!   The “original” tax credit allowed a maximum of $500/$1000 for single/married tax filers, but for tax year 2012, you can donate up to $1003/$2006 to a School Tuition Organization (STO), such as AZ4Education.    This is being called the “switcher credit”, but we are going to be referring to it as “EXTRA” credit. […]

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Meet Brian

by Brian December 28, 2011

As Steve Bell said in the previous blog post, we are running a series of posts to tell you a bit  about ourselves, which is like trying to write a novel in Sanskrit for me. I went to college at Colorado State University in Fort Collins Colorado and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.    Every summer break, I would go back to IBM as an intern and save enough money to help pay for some items in school.    After college, I got a job for National Semiconductor in Utah and worked there for 3 years. Intel was […]

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Press Release – Az4Education Helping Hundreds of Arizona Students

by Brian December 1, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AZ4Education Helping Hundreds of Arizona Students AZ4Education is an Arizona non-profit school tuition organization (STO). Their mission: to make private education an affordable option for every family.  With AZ4Education and contributions from everyone, hundreds of Arizona students will have the benefit of scholarships in 2012.  The staff volunteers their time and talents, which makes this a great non-profit to support and follow. Phoenix, Arizona December 1, 2011 – Children are the future and an important part of their development is education.   To help fuel this future, AZ4Education plans to raise a million dollars in 2012 to help hundreds of […]

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