About Us
To award tuition scholarships to eligible students who wish to attend a private K-12 school in Arizona and raise awareness about the benefits of school choice.
Who We Are
AZ4Education is a certified Arizona School Tuition Organization (STO) developed under the guidelines provided in the Arizona Private School Tuition Tax Credit Law of 1997, A.R.S. §43-1089.
AZ4Education is a registered non-profit tax exempt charitable organization, under IRS Section 501(c)(3). To see the most recent list of certified STO’s by the state of Arizona click here .
We believe every student is unique, and for many, private schools are the best fit. Our goal is to assist those students who would most benefit from private schooling, but are unable to realize these benefits without financial assistance.
We are certified by Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) to receive individual and corporate donations.
Since 2010 we have awarded over $14.0 million in scholarships to eligible students at 150+ different schools. Plus, we work with all private PK-12 schools in Arizona.
Scholarships Awarded