by admin
August 22, 2013
Take a moment and look up from this post and locate in the upper right hand corner our dashboard login. Do you know what that means? It gives us the opportunity to provide our community with some additional tools. Do you have a login already? If so, then you can skip ahead to the next paragraph. If you don’t, I would recommend moving forward with setting one up. Just click on the member and fill out the necessary information. Remember to verify yourself when a email is sent to you. Just that simple (and by the way – it is […]
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by admin
August 7, 2013
You have found Us! We are here to help with everything Arizona State Private School Tuition Tax Credits. I know it is a bit early to be thinking about 2013 taxes.. Or maybe not. School is or has started. Before we know it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukah. What is left? Tax Time! Here is some additional information about the ins and outs of the AZ Private School Tuition Tax Credit is… As a taxpayer, you are allowed to make two types of credit-eligible contributions for private school tuition. Contributions must be made to a qualified “school tuition organization” […]
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