We are very excited to announce a partnership with Promote Together to help raise funding for scholarships. Promote Together is a very simple, easy to use crowd funding concept for schools to raise donations that can be applied to scholarships. Crowd funding is the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their resources to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. We will be the first STO to use this crowd funding model for all schools.
We view this as an opportunity for the schools to have a more active role in fund raising for scholarships. We also see this model as a reduction in overhead of managing donations. With Promote Together – setting up your schools donation group is just a few minutes from completion. Another outstanding feature that is within Promote Together is the donation group coordinator can easily manage their group. The coordinator can track their overall success! Built into the tool is some simple follow-up messages or reminders (if needed). No more having to email or calling to track progress, it is right there in your management tools.
We understand that this is new to the STO world. The good part of this is, we get to have a hand in how it grows and changes. Az4Education has a policy to hold all funds recommended to a school for up to 18 months, those dollars can be held for future semesters. This new service doesn’t cost you a dime and will significantly improve your productivity, not to mention tracking funds. We truly believe this is the first of its kind for STO’s and that it has the potential of increasing fund raising and lowering administration costs for all involved.
If you would like to learn more, please contact us.